Argentinosaurus walking with dinosaurs
Argentinosaurus walking with dinosaurs

The shrinkage comes as part of a long history of supersized dinosaurs that have been downsized after their initial discovery. What was heralded as the largest dinosaur of all in 2014 has wound up in a neck-and-neck tie with several other dinosaurian giants such as Argentinosaurus. The full length of the dinosaur is in question, too, especially as no complete skeleton is known. In a new study of the available Patagotitan fossils, representing several individuals of differing ages, paleontologist Alejandro Otero and his colleagues have slimmed down Patagotitan to around 57 tons. The dinosaur’s long neck, bulging body and long tail stretched about 120 feet long, with the living animal estimated to weigh in at more than 70 tons. Dubbed Patagotitan mayorum, the reconstructed skeleton of the 100-million-year-old dinosaur was so huge that it didn’t even fit wholly inside the room in which it stood.

argentinosaurus walking with dinosaurs

On August 9, 2017, paleontologists at the American Museum of Natural History in New York City unveiled the largest animal ever to walk the earth.

Argentinosaurus walking with dinosaurs